Tuesday, March 15, 2011

A Distorted Perception of Beauty

The lecture retaining to beauty had some very interesting points that really made me think. What I liked about the lecture a lot what the discussion about how our idea of beauty doesn't really seem very realistic. Watching that Dove commercial, the girl had to be modified with make-up and hairspray, and on top of that some graphic artist ends up modifying her picture in a way that makes her neck and face look longer, as well as blowing her eyes up to almost alien proportions. Now, is that what we perceive as beautiful? Is that what every woman wants to look like? Because they simply can't do it when people are made to look like Greek gods. Our idea of beautiful is something foreign to the human race, something that can never be reached by normal means. Because of this, many people feel depressed when they see billboards and pictures of these flawless individuals wearing the latest trends, because they always tell themselves that they'll never be that beautiful. On the contrary, those people are more beautiful than anything else in the world, physical beauty is a minute and shallow portion of true beauty. There are so many more factors that are a part of beauty all of which we should be focusing on rather than trying to look like something that is not "us".

In conclusion, once we get past the idea that beauty is all physical, society will be able to progress in a different direction, although I don't know what direction that will be, society as a whole will be enlightened. We'll be able to put our insecurities aside and just be ourselves.

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